open banking financial services

In open banking financial services, there seems to be an attempt to create a financial system that is both more competitive and healthier at the same time. In short, a better way to handle money. The premise of open banking is to put the power of financial institutions in the hands of others. On the one hand, this means increased transparency. It also means the development of APIs to allow third-party developers to build their own financial services and platforms using all the data and functionality that banks usually keep to themselves.

Nubes Opus – Open Banking financial services has the capabilities to start with making your applications compliant to PSD2, which includes, among other things:
•It function allowes users to grant others access to their data
• An API authentication process which verifies both the user and application, and
• The API documentation, developer SDKs, code samples, and tutorials

So, We help you move away from large, centralized systems towards collaborative, access-based ones and redefine your business model with the help of our proven api first design strategies and our direct access to large open banking solution partners like AXWAY.

Our primary focus will be to help you with:

  • Using APIs as a new distribution channel
  • Providing Common framework for financial data access
  • Integrating with Third-party/shared assets
  • Helping you to be Customer centric and
  • Implement Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)

To those building the APIs that power of open banking, understand that you are building the future. Because  The APIs you build will form the digital economy’s roads and bridges, the bedrock of the 21st century.

– Mr. Open Banking (Eyal Sivan)

“From legacy to modernization, from centralized services to open api’s, from manual to automation … nubes opus got you covered”